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Kalla, Balla tukrimunal yatim.. Wala tahaddhuna ala tha'amil miskin..

Masih enggan memberikan makan orang miskin?
Posisikan diri kalian di posisi mereka..
Dan kita lihat berapa lama kalian bisa bertahan tanpa bantuan orang lain..

Play it on:


Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Our Prophet, Muhammad (SAW), are the best of mankind, the best in his character. As he said,
"The best amongst you are those who are best in his character. And the best of them are those who are best to their ladies. And I (Muhammad SAW) am best to my ladies." [thirmidthi]
Yeah, Prophet Muhammad SAW taught us to be best to our ladies, not only to our wife, but also to our mother and our daughters.

Best to his wife

He was best to Khadijah (RA), his wife. Even though she was much older than him, it didnt bother him at all. He loved her so deeply, and she loved him as deeply. They were married for 25 years, and she gave him birth of seven children: 3 sons and 4 daughters. When others blamed their wife whenever they gave them a birth of girl, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was one of few man who was always grateful to his wife whenever she gave him a birth, no matter it was boy or girl.

He loved her so much. Khadijah (RA) was a source of immense love, strength, and comfort for the Prophet Muhammad, and he leaned heavily on this love and support on the most important night of his life. After his ministry began, and the opposition of his people became harsh and brutal, Khadijah (RA) was always there to support the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), sacrificing all of her wealth to support the cause of Islam. 

When the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his family was banished to the hills outside of Makkah, she went there with him, and the three years of hardship and deprivation eventually led to her death. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) mourned her deeply, and even after her death, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would send food and support to Khadijah’s friends and relatives, out of love for his first wife.

Once, years after Khadijah (RA) died, he came across a necklace that she once wore (I will tell this detailed story in another post). When he saw it, he remembered her and began to cry and mourn. His love for her never died, so much so, that his later wife Ayesha once felt jealous of her. Once she asked the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) if Khadijah (RA) had been the only woman worthy of his love. The Prophet replied:
“She believed in me when no one else did; she accepted Islam when people rejected me; and she helped and comforted me when there was no one else to lend me a helping hand.”
Many of what we call “love stories” today are nothing more than stories of lust and desire, physical attraction disguised as love. Yet, I can find no love story more powerful, more spiritually uplifting, more awe inspiring as that of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Khadijah (RA). It is a shining example of what an ideal marriage is, and if you ever claim that you love yourwife, you must gauge your actions with that of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

One cannot help but reflect upon, that this is indeed, the greatest of all love stories : that of Muhammad (SAW) and Khadijah (RA).

Best to his mother

He was best to Fatimah binti Asad (RA), his aunt. She was wife of Abu Thalib, his uncle. When the Prophet’s grandfather, ‘Abdul Mutthalib, passed away, the guardianship of the orphan Muhammad (SAW) passed on to Abu Thalib. His wife, Fatimah binti Asad (RA), looked after him, loving him as if he were her own. He remembered in his later life that she would go hungry to feed him. He respected her so highly that whenever she visited him he would stand up and receive her with great love, addressing her as ‘Mother’.

Anas bin Malik said that when the Prophet (SAW) got news of the death of Fatimah binti Asad, he immediately went to her house, sat beside her and prayed for her.
“My dear mother, may Allah keep you under His Protection. Many times you went hungry in order to feed me well. You fed me and clothed me on delicacies that you denied yourself. Allah will surely be happy with these actions of yours. And your intentions were surely meant to win the goodwill and pleasure of Allah and success in the Hereafter.” 
He gave his shirt to be used as part of her shroud, saying he prayed to Allah to forgive her and give her the dress of Paradise. When the grave was prepared, the Prophet (SAW) himself examined it and with his own hands placed her into the grave. Thus, she was one of the few blessed people whose graves was examined by the Prophet (SAW) himself.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) taught us to be best to the woman who raised us with her loves, no matter she is our biological mother or not.

Best to his daughters

He was best to Zainab (RA), Ruqayyah (RA), Ummu kultsum (RA), and Fatima Az-Zahra (RA), his daughters. When others buried alive their own daughters just because of shame, still, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the best father who didnt discriminate in loves for his sons and daughters, regardless of their gender.

He taught his daughters to be best women, best as wife and best as mother. Therefore, he also choosed best men to be best husbands for them. Here, I will just tell story about Zainab and how the Prophet (SAW) guided her in her household life.

Zainab (RA), the eldest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), married to Abu Al-Aas bin Rabii (RA), before the Prophet (SAW) had received his message and mission of Prophethood. Even though Abu Al-Aas (RA) had refused to accept Islam at first, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) still acknowledged him as a good person, as he said,
“O people, I declare that this man was a very good son-in-law, he never broke his promise, and neither did he tell lies..."
Since one of Ayat in Surat At-Taubah commanded muslim to separate every mukminat from her husband who still hasn't accepted Islam yet, Zainab had to be separated with her adored husband. Because of deep love she felt on her ex-husband, she had always refused to remarry another man for six years. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) knew his daughter so well about how she felt on her ex-husband. He taught Zainab (RA),
“Be generous to him, he is your cousin and the father of your children, but don’t let him get near you as a husband. For he is a disbeliever and that is prohibited for you.”
The generosity of his ex-wife and his ex-father-in-law deeply touched the heart of Abu Al-Aas ibnu Rabii. He finally accepted Islam and asked his ex-father-in-law to let him marry his daughter again. The Prophet (SAW), with tears in his eyes smiled and responded, 
“Come with me.”
Together, father and son in law made their way to Zainab’s house and knocked on her door. The Prophet Muhammad SAW called out to his daughter saying,
“O Zainab, your cousin has accepted Islam and he came to me and asked if he can return to you as your husband”.
Just like twenty years before, her face turned red out of bashfulness and modesty and she simply smiled.

That is one of many stories which tell us about how generous the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) were towards his daughters. He understood his daughter so well, and guided them to their real happiness and blessedness in Islam ways.

That is all

Hope it can inspire all of you and me as well.

Want to be a best man like the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? Be best to your ladies.

Ghafandar, M A. Great Women of Islam (Who were given the good news of Paradise)
Ibn Al-Atheer, Ali. Usd al-Ghabah. Vol. 5. Cairo: Dar Ihya Al-Turath Al-Aaraby, 1996.



Here is matlab script for representing data into polynomial equation:
function [A] = polynomialfit(xi,yi)
% regresi polynomial
% y = a0 + a1.x + a2.x'2 + ... + an.x'n

nxi = numel(xi);
nyi = numel(yi);
if nxi ~= nyi
    disp('ukuran data tidak sama');

%instruksi pemilihan orde polinomial
polorde = input('masukkan nilai orde polinomial=');

%matrix X
for barissigmax=1:polorde+1
    for kolomsigmax=1:polorde+1
        xin = xi.^(barissigmax+kolomsigmax-2);
        sxin = sum(xin);
        sigmax(barissigmax,kolomsigmax) = sxin;

%matrix Y
for barissigmay=1:polorde+1
    xiyin = yi.*(xi.^(barissigmay-1));
    sxiyin = sum(xiyin);
    sigmay(barissigmay,1) = sxiyin;

%matrix A
A = sigmax\sigmay;

%display persamaan polinomial hasil regresi

namakurva = ['y = ',num2str(A(1))];
for datanama = 1:polorde;
    if datanama == 1
        if A(polorde+1) > 0
            namakurva = [namakurva, ' + ', num2str(A(datanama+1)),'x'];
        elseif A(polorde+1) < 0
            namakurva = [namakurva, ' - ', num2str(abs(A(datanama+1))),'x'];
        if A(polorde+1) > 0
            namakurva = [namakurva, ' + ', num2str(A(datanama+1)),'x^',num2str(datanama)];
        elseif A(polorde+1) < 0
            namakurva = [namakurva, ' - ', num2str(abs(A(datanama+1))),'x^',num2str(datanama)];

%kurva hasil regresi
xir= xi(1):((xi(nxi)-xi(1))/100):xi(nxi);
yregresi = 0;
for dataorde = 0:polorde
    yregresi = yregresi + A(dataorde+1)*(xir.^dataorde);

%plotting grafik kurva dan plot data
hold on;
hold off;
Save it as m-file with name "polynomialfit.m".
Just call "polynomialfit(a,b)" in command window.
Variable a (array of independent variable data) and b (dependent variable data) must have been defined before.
Then, some instructions will appear:
masukkan nilai orde polinomial=
Just type your desired polynomial-order of equation that is equal or larger than 1 (such as 1, 2, 3, 24, etc).
There will be figure window containing graph which show scatter of data and plot of best fit polynomial equation.



Here it is matlab-script I build to represent data into linear equation.
function [A] = linierfit(xi,yi)
% regresi linear
% y = a0 + a1x

nxi = numel(xi);
nyi = numel(yi);
if nxi ~= nyi
    disp('ukuran data tidak sama');
n = nxi;
sxi = sum(xi);
xi2 = xi.^2;
sxi2 = sum(xi2);

%matrix X
sigmax = [n sxi;sxi sxi2];

%matrix Y
syi = sum(yi);
xiyi = xi.*yi;
sxiyi = sum(xiyi);
sigmay = [syi;sxiyi];

%matrix A
A = inv(sigmax)*sigmay;
a0 = A(1);
a1 = A(2);
disp('nilai a0 =');
disp('nilai a1 =');
yregresi= a0 + a1*xi;
Save it into m-file with name "linierfit.m" in your default matlab folder.
Just call "linierfit(x,y)" on your command window.
As long as x (array of independent variable data) and y (array of dependent variable data) have been defined before, the call will result the value of a0 and a1 which are coefficients of linear equation best fit to the data.


Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

First, I want to apologize for my bad English in this post.
I am just trying to learn english by writing.
I will appreciate all of your corrections on my wrong sentences.
I believe, with your corrections, it will make my practice become even more perfect.

Well, I just want to share about my opinion.
It is about linguistic skill.
I confess that my linguistic skill is very very bad.
It always takes me so long to learn non-native languages.
In example, I have been learning English since I was 9 years old.
But here I am now.
Still not real sure whether i make any mistakes or not when i speak in English.

Lately, I try to improve my English.
I try to refine my listening and speaking skill.
Even though my grammar is still so bad, I don't care with it.
I just want to focus on improving my listening and speaking skill.
Yeah, I want to be able to get used in English conversations.

I try to improve my listening skill by hearing on English songs.
I still can not directly guess the words spelled by the singer.I just can realize it after take a look at the lyrics.
I am not sure whether there is something wrong with my ears or I have just not got used with the pronunciations in English yet.
Or maybe because of my poor vocabulary.
Do you have any idea?

It will be such a relieve if you give any suggestions to solve these English learning problems of mine.


Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Hi, guys.
Have you ever wondered how the life goes on in a foreign country?
Yeah, I'd wondered too.
There must be so many unusual things compared to our life habits here.

The languages..
The cultures..
The weathers..
The dishes..
Even the toilets too..

Yeah, I admit it,,
There are still so many unguessable things about it,,
Some of them must be completely different with our habits..


Strictly saying, foreign country is not too "foreign" for us..
The real foreign we'll ever feel is gonna be "Padang Mahsyar"..
So, prepare ourself for the day.. ^^



Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Sebagai putra bungsu ke-5, bisa dibilang ane adalah bujangan perjaka yang ud punya pengalaman pernikahan. Ya, walaupun itu bukan pengalaman fisik. *eh? hha, bcanda* Ane cukup kenyang dengan pengalaman mental pernikahan.

Gimana ga? Dilahirkan sebagai bungsu membuat ane secara gak langsung menyimak bagaimana perubahan kehidupan kakak-kakak ane pra dan pasca nikah. Gimana dinamika kehidupan pernikahan mengubah mereka, membawa mereka ke dalam warna kehidupan penuh dengan senyum, tawa, keluhan, hingga air mata baru yang tak pernah ane lihat sebelumnya dalam kehidupan kakak-kakak ane sebelum menikah.

Keempat kakak ane, semuanya memiliki kisah-kisah menarik masing-masing tentang pernikahan mereka. Entah itu kisah bagaimana akhirnya mereka menikah, tentang bagaimana mereka di hari-hari awal pernikahan, bagaimana haru birunya momen saat persalinan, ampe tentang hal-hal sepele atau bahkan fatal yang membawa mereka ke dalam prahara pernikahan. Yaa, tapi alhamdulillah semua baik-baik saja hingga saat ini.

Hhh, inget itu semua ngebuat ane kadang jadi kepikiran tentang diri ane sendiri juga. Cepat atau lambat, insya Allah ane pun akan merasakan hal yang sama. Agak jiper sih. Jadi suka ngerenung. Entah nanti ane siap atau ga untuk nerima semua celotehan istri pas dia nyadar kebiasaan-kebiasaan buruk ane. Entah ane bakal jadi pemimpin yang bisa mengayomi dia atau ga. Entah ane bakal jadi bapak yang baik atau ga buat anak-anak dia nanti. Entah ane bakal tegar banting tulang untuk nyekolahin mereka atau g. Entah ane bisa tetep mantau putri ane atau ga klo putri ane harus ngekos sendirian karena kampusnya jauh dari rumah ane. Entah ane bisa sebijak camer saat ini atau ga kalau-kalau nanti ada yang ngelamar putri ane pas dia masih kuliah juga. Entah ane bakal lancar atau ga pas ucap ijab sambil genggam tangan sang ikhwan yang akan jadi pemimpin putri ane itu. Entah gimana ane harus bersikap sebagai seorang mertua saat sang mantu nuntut poligami. Entahlah. Ane juga bingung kenapa mikir ampe sejauh ini.. = =

Ga, ane ga bermaksud ngegaring di sini. Memang terkadang berpikir jauh seperti itu perlu. Layaknya maen catur, adalah kesalahan fatal jika kita mengambil satu langkah tanpa memikirkan konsekuensi untuk langkah-langkah selanjutnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan utama, mengalahkan raja lawan, sebelumnya akan banyak prajurit dan ksatria-ksatria berharga kita yang harus dikorbankan. Ane sadar, pernikahan pun seperti itu. pernikahan hanyalah salah satu langkah yang akan mengawali berbagai pengorbanan-pengorbanan yang lebih besar lainnya untuk mencapai tujuan pernikahan yg utama, mencapai ridho-Nya..

Terlalu awal tahu tentang prahara pernikahan setelah menyimak kakak-kakak ane emang kadang ngebuat ane jiper sih. Tapi ane percaya akan selalu ada kemudahan yang disiapkan Allah bagi hamba-hamba-Nya yang memilih jalan menuju ridho-Nya.

Semangat ini yang akhirnya menginspirasi ane untuk mencoba memutar balik pengalaman ini, bukan menjadi suatu phobia yang hanya membuat ane jadi gak pernah berani melangkah ke arah sana, tapi menjadi suatu hikmah yang menjadi pelajaran berharga sehingga ane tahu bagaimana harus melangkah ke arah sana ataupun saat sudah di sana.

Sebenernya ane mau ngulas semua pengalaman-pengalaman mengenai kisah pernikahan kakak-kakak ane, tapi berhubung ane ga mau terkesan bahas yang enak-enaknya aj dari pernikahan, ane sekarang lebih tertarik ngebahas tentang prahara-praharanya aja. Kebetulan baru aj beberapa hari yang lalu ada salah-satu kakak ane yang curhatin masalah rumah tangganya.

Yaa, ane ga bakal so2an nasihatin kakak ane itu lah.. Kan jelas dia jauh lebih berpengalaman dari ane.. ane hanya berusaha menempatkan diri sebagai pendengar yang baik baginya saat itu. Tapi alhamdulillah, ternyata banyak hikmah yang justru bisa ane ambil dari semua hal yang kakak ane ceritain itu. Inti permasalahannya yang ane tangkep sih masalah komunikasi yang ternyata sangat krusial dalam suatu rumah tangga.

Sumber: cartoonstock.com
Komunikasi antara suami-istri, mantu-mertua, atau sesama ipar, itu semua jadi salah satu kunci keharmonisan rumah tangga. Ane kasih contoh kasus bagaimana komunikasi mempengaruhi keharmonisan rumah tangga.

Kesalahan persepsi (ane kutip dari tulisan di kompasiana.com)
Misalnya ketika suami mengatakan “Aku tidak senang melihat engkau berpakaian seperti itu”. Sang isteri tersinggung dan sakit hati, karena ia menyimpulkan suaminya membenci dirinya. Perhatikan, kata “tidak senang”, telah dipahami sebagai “benci”. Padahal “tidak senang” itu tidak sama dengan “benci”. Ini yang menjadi salah satu contoh problem semantik dalam komunikasi, bahwa kata-kata dan kalimat itu bisa dimaknai dengan cara berbeda oleh pasangan. 
Contoh lain, saat isteri mengatakan kepada suami, “Aku ingin kamu lebih bersemangat dalam kerja, supaya hasilnya lebih banyak.” Kalimat ini membuat sang suami tersinggung, karena “Saya dikira pemalas. Saya kan sudah bekerja keras selama ini”. Perhatikan, kata “lebih bersemangat kerja”, dipahami sebagai menuduh suami sebagai pemalas. Padahal jelas sangat berbeda maknanya.
Nah, itu salah satu contohnya.. Masih banyak lagi contoh lainnya. Lengkapnya, ane ga bakal ceritain panjang lebar di sini kok. Langsung aj bagi yang tertarik untuk mempelajarinya lebih dalam, kalian bisa baca di ebook ini.

Yap, ane juga belum kelar sih baca ebooknya.. hha.. Tapi iseng-iseng share di blog lah, kali aj bermanfaat buat ikhwah fillah yang lagi mempersiapkan diri untuk kehidupan yang baru setelah pernikahan. *moga aj calon istri ane juga baca.. :9 hha*

Biar ga jiper am seremnya pernikahan, ane provokasi kalian am gambar ini deh.. ^^

Sumber: Catatan Catatan Islami

Selamat berburu hikmah, kawan.
Selamat memantapkan diri untuk melepas masa lajangmu.

Barakallah fii kum..
Wassalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..


Sumber: fotografer.net
Masihkah kita tidak merasa berdosa menyianyiakan sisa makanan di piring kita karena kekenyangan, padahal kita tahu di saat yang sama ada saudara kita yang rela memungut butiran beras dari lantai hanya untuk mengganjal perutnya?

Sederhanalah dalam makan kita,
Harapkan keberkahan darinya..
Bukan tentang seberapa nikmat dan banyak yang masuk dalam perut kita..
Tapi seberapa sempurna kita menyucikan tiap suapan dari hak mereka..


Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
source: sodahead.com
Dear Grammar Nazi,

Please don't criticize my grammar errors in this article, because currently I am still working at my grammar perfection training here:

Grammar-monster.com: Common Grammar Errors

It would be such a relieve if you could let me feel confidence with my passion for this training by holding your comments.

Best regards.
Your ex-victim of your Grammar-Holocaust.


"Kalla, Balla tukrimunal yatim, wala tahaddhuna ala tha'amil miskin" [Al-Fajr: 17-18]


Bicara tentang visi.
Mungkin visiku terbilang sederhana.

Tapi begitulah memang seharusnya visi.
Karena visi bukanlah suatu ambisi.
Yang hanya membuatku frustasi.
Ketika ambisi itu tidak membuahkan prestasi.

Visi adalah yang membuatku tetap berdiri.
Apapun yang terjadi.
Kemenangan, kekalahan, keberhasilan, kegagalan.
Semua dinamika kehidupan.

Visi adalah kepada Apa ku mengarahkan kehidupan.
Bukan menjadi apa ku dalam kehidupan.
Karena selama ku mengarahkan hidupku pada-Nya,
Apapun amanat dari-Nya adalah suatu kemuliaan.
